Wordless Wednesday: Perfect Companions

Okay, wordless on this one would just piss me off if I was reading. 
#1: Phormium ‘Jester’ and Calibrachoa ‘Painted Coral’
#2 Oxalis vulcanicola ‘Molten Lava’ and Fuchsia ‘Autumnale’
#3 Callibrachoa ‘Saffron’, Argyranthemum frutescen ‘Butterfly’, Millium effusum ”Aureum’
I am in serious lust with all of these plants.

Wordless Wednesday: Before & After Part 3:

The other side of the house. The one I wasn’t going to touch this year – but then realized if I didn’t tame this, it would make me crazy. First two are last summer, rest from 2010.